Annie's Book Stop of Worcester

The little bookstore that's bigger on the inside

Jeff Carver Pic


Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester is happy to shine our Friday spotlight on Science Fiction Author Jeffrey A. Carver.  Jeffrey A. Carver is a writer of science fiction novels that explore a realm somewhere between hard science fiction and space opera—with believable, well-realized characters, male and female, human and alien, organic and “inorg,” as they say on Shipworld. His popular series The Chaos Chronicles grew substantially with the recent publication of Books 5-6, The Reefs of Time and Crucible of Time. Together, the two volumes constitute a single novel, carrying the larger story arc forward.

Carver is also the author of the Star Rigger novels, including the Nebula-nominated Eternity’s End. In addition, Battlestar Galactica fans (2003- series) have enjoyed his novelization of Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries.

Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester will be presenting a  Speculative Fiction videoconferencing panel, on Saturday, May 9th at 2:00 PM. Jeffrey is a member of that panel, along with SF writers Steve Popkes and LJ Cohen.  If you are interested in attending our ZOOM event, please log into our Facebook Web Page at:  to RSVP. We will send you the details on how to join in.


Our first question to you, Jeffrey, is: Where can people find your work? (Besides Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester–though they should totally check here first!)

All of my books are available as ebooks, almost anywhere ebooks are sold.

Print editions, while out of print in the original publisher editions, are gradually returning under the imprint of Starstream Publications. All of the Chaos Chronicles books are available in Starstream print editions, and can be ordered by bookstores or purchased online. If you want print editions you can send email to: and order them from Annie’s to be sent to your home.  There’s also a place you can order online and support other local bookstores:

Audiobooks, too; many of my books are available in downloadable audiobook from Audible and other retailers. The first four Chaos books recently joined the choir, narrated by the Grammy-winning Stefan Rudnicki. Audiobooks of Reefs and Crucible are planned.


How can we follow your work and share your awesomeness?

Science Fiction Worlds of Jeffrey A. Carver, and my blog, Pushing a Snake Up a Hill, all at


Read about the new books here:


For readers unfamiliar with your work, how would you describe what you write?  What can readers expect from The Reefs of Time and Crucible of Time?

Exciting, far-future space adventure with well-realized characters, cool aliens and robots, humor, and science extrapolation to make you think. See the galaxy! Travel the tides of time! Meet friends you will love.




What kind of research went into writing this book?  What is your favorite research story? What cool facts and findings didn’t make it into the book, but you loved discovering?

Everything I read, see, and hear is research. If you talk to me, you are research! Still, this pair of books benefited especially from the weekend I spent at the Schrödinger Sessions, a mind-boggling workshop put on by real quantum physicists for the sole purpose of teaching science fiction writers to more intelligently talk about quantum physics in their stories. It was amazing!


What was the inspiration for The Reefs of Time and Crucible of Time? What were the steps you took to bring it from initial inspiration to the finished book?

Good question. Come ask me about it at the signing!


What was the biggest challenge in writing and putting out The Reefs of Time and Crucible of Time?  How did you overcome that challenge?

Something else I’ll talk about at the signing. Come listen!


What piece of advice would you want to share with other writers?

If you want to write, there’s only one sure way to do it. Sit down and write! (This isn’t just for newcomers. I have to remind myself of it from time to time.)


Writers very often have furry or feathered or otherwise non-human companions to “help” them through their work.  Do you? What do you have? How do they “help” (or, “not-help”) with your writing?

I will attach a picture of my best furry friends: Moonlight (cat, who has left us, sadly, since the picture was taken), Captain Jack the border-collie mix, and McDuff (my mother-in-law’s dog, who lives with us).


Moonlight Jack Macduff


Jeffrey, thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions. We are looking forward to hearing your comments at the event on May 9th!


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